Leeds Digital Festival Survey/Umfrage zum Thema "Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft"

Aus unserer britischen Partnerstadt Leeds erreichte uns folgende Bitte um Teilnahme an einer Umfrage zum Thema "Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft":

"... The other thing I wanted to share was that as part of Leeds Digital Festival, one of the events, organised by Kristen Blumfitt of Crisp Thinking, is looking at future workplace strategies. She is collecting data on the approach taken by other companies, and how they are supporting employees and shoring up their business.  They are putting together a short survey (less than eight minutes to complete), and they are inviting fellow professionals and business leaders to contribute. They hope the survey will gather all of the output and harness some great ideas that will contribute to the event discussion. The results of the survey will also be used for a panel event at Leeds Digital Festival on 29 September, 14:00 - 15:00 BST, where they will consider the diverse views on returning to the office –remote working. Would someone from the city of Dortmund be able to complete the survey – maybe from Human Resources? Link to the survey can be found here: https://thefutureworkplace.questionpro.com/ . Please feel free to share this with your business network in Dortmund. Please note the deadline is the 08 September and by participating you'll receive an anonymised copy of the results...."

Es wäre schön, wenn sich auch Dortmunder Unternehmen an der Umfrage beteiligen, so dass aus Dortmund ein breit gefächertes Meinungsbild nach Leeds transportiert werden kann.

Liliana Korbmacher